1. Technology Development and Transfer for Promotion of Horticulture
Projects for popularization of identified new technologies/tools/techniques for commercialization/
adoption shall be undertaken through following sub-components of the scheme
1.1. Components
- Setting up of block/mother plant and root stock nursery (Area above 4 ha)
- Acquisitionoftechnologiesincludingimportofplantingmaterialfromothercountriesforevaluation
and mass multiplication in order to increase production & productivity of horticulture crops
- Import/procurement of machines and Tools for horticulture for demonstration purpose
- Development & Transfer of Technology
- Long Distance Transport Solution
- Product Promotion and Market Development Services- Horti-fairs
- Exposure visit of farmers (Outside State)
- Visit Abroad for Government Officers
- Organization/Participation in Seminar/symposia/workshop for development of horticulture
- Accreditation and Rating of Fruit Plant Nurseries
1.2. Description of components and pattern of assistance
1.2.1 Setting up of block /mother plant and root stock nursery (Area above 4 ha) Implementation and pattern of assistance
This activity is for Setting up Mother Blocks and Bank for Root Stock and Scion / bud stick of higher pedigree for making the same available to commercial nurseries for raising mother trees on their commercial nursery and also for multiplication and sale to farmers
- Components includes mother block of scion and root stock, infrastructure for production of
disease free planting material, creation of poly house, green house, net house, screen house, mist
chamber, hot beds sterilization of media, working shed, tissue culture lab, referred lab, virus
indexing facility, quality control lab, weather station, water supply, irrigation facility, fertigation
unit, electric supply with generator, ETP, farm equipment/farm mechanization, tools, portrays,
root trainer, container, computer system for data management and analysis etc.
- Projects under this component shall be appraised by NHB with the help of a committee of experts and should be linked with future area expansion plan under government schemes.
- Crop & variety specific modern mother plant nurseries shall be managed by ICAR Institutes/ NRCs, SAUs or public sector agency.
- Institution(s) willing to set up mother plant nursery for any crop / crops should apply along with Detailed Project Report.
- Applicant organization will have to bear capital cost on account of land, staff component, water & electricity consumption and annual maintenance etc. NHB would provide 100% cost of nursery infrastructure, plant health management system, procurement of planting material of breeder and foundation seed grade and plantation and initial input. To begin with, planting materials for major crops like citrus, mango, apple, stone fruits, guava. litchi, sapota, aonla,
pomegranate etc. will be given priority.
Pattern of assistance:- Project based – 100% and only through Govt. agency/Public Sector @ Rs.100.00 Lakh /ha for effective nursery area including virus indexing, tissue culture lab etc
1.2.2. Acquisition of technologies including import of planting material from other countries for evaluation and mass multiplication in order to increase production & productivity of
horticulture crops This components aims to acquire technologies either nationally or globally that have been developed
in the area of horticulture or which can be commercialized to put for farmers/industry benefit. This will
also include assistance for meeting cost of Import of best quality planting material of latest varieties of
horticultural crops has been included.
Pattern of assistance: - Rs.50.00 lakh/project. Project based – 100% and only through Govt. agency/
1.2.3. Import/Procurement of Machines and Tools for horticulture for demonstration purpose Horticulture mechanization is aimed to improve farm efficiency and reduce drudgery of farm work force. To promote Farm mechanization and introduce technologically advanced plants & machineries
from abroad, NHB will provide assistance for importing new machines in the field operations areas of
horticultural crops viz nursery/seedling preparation, post hole digging for planting, interculture, aeration,
earthing, irrigation, plant protection, harvesting, handling, packaging transport etc.
Pattern of assistance: - Rs. 50.00 lakh/ machine. 100% of total cost and only through Govt. agency/
Public Sector. Proposals of Growers Associations promoted by NHB and Co-operative Societies and Farmers
Producers Organisation may also be considered on merit as per direction of Board of Directors .
1.2.4. .Development & Transfer of Technology Following components will be considered:-
- Pilot project for introduction of new farm input and appropriate technologies etc. for promoting high quality commercial production or increase in productivity.
- Development and introduction of new protocol relating to Post Harvest Management, Cold Chain, Primary processing, Bio-technology and introduction of new tools/equipment/
machineries for PHM, Storage including Cold chain system and handling.
- R & D projects for solving specific problems related to production, PHM, Packaging, Storage, handling and transport could be considered on merit basis
1.2.5. Long Distance Transport Solution Component has been introduced to facilitate long distance transportation and bulk movement of horticulture products through rail etc.
Pattern of assistance: - Project Based Rs. 2000.00 lakh
1.2.6. Product Promotion and Market Development Services- Horti-fairs
- To organize demonstrations of modern scientific techniques / technologies, package of
production and PHM practices at suitable locations / areas by the NHB
- To organize demonstrations of improved / high yielding varieties of fruits, vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants etc, by NHB
- A committee of NHB shall examine such proposals
- NHB will organize field demonstrations and display for product promotion and market
development with or without the help of out-sourced agency / experts.
- Demonstration for product promotion and market development by display of horticulture
products and farm machinery & tools will be organized by NHB in the form of horticulture
fairs, which shall provide the participants an opportunity to display and sale the exhibits.
These events shall also provide opportunity to producer farmers to learn from one another’s
experience and performance. Selected horticulture-producer-farmers’ associations and their
self help groups who adopt prescribed production, PHM, packaging, storage and transportation
technology under supervision of NHB or any public sector engaged in organizing farmers
groups and so designated by NHB, shall be the Targeted Participants for such horticulture fairs.
Similarly ICAR Institutions / SAUs and any other R & D Institution and manufacturer of farm
machinery / tools / equipments relating to horticulture development may also be included
in targeted participants by selecting them based on requirement of promoting the product
intended to be promoted. Scheme Components of Technology Development and Transfer for
promotion of Horticulture may be converged with such Horticulture Fairs organized by NHB.
‘Targeted Participants’ shall be encouraged to participate in horticulture fairs by providing
them stall space for display of produce for sales and storage space for horticulture produce
for participation in the event without rent or tariff for stall space and storage space. One-time
assistance for trial use of recommended packaging material and transport of horticulture
produce in technically recommended manner from production centre to place of horticulture
fair may be given to targeted participants through their group / association or organizing
public agency like ICAR Institution / SAU/ Marketing Boards/ Agro Industries Development
Corporation, PSU / NERAMAC etc. Boarding & lodging in group on room sharing basis /
dormitory in farmers’ hostels run by ICAR institutions / SAU / APMC’s etc. may be provided
by NHB for first time participants from Targeted Participants’ groups. Cost towards hiring
of venue, stall preparations, decoration of exhibition place, public address system, security,
lighting, water supply, ceremonial functions etc of event shall be borne by NHB under this
Pattern of assistance:- Rs. 25.00 lakh 100% of cost by Central Nodal Agency
1.2.7. Exposure visit of farmers (Outside State)
Purpose of visits
- To attend structured crop specific production, PHM, processing and marketing related
farmers’ training courses organized by NHB as per its annual action plan, with the help of ICAR
institutions, SAUs, KVKs /ATMA Society and any other professional institutions such as MANAGE,
NIFTEM,NIRD, HTC Pune, TERI, selected international organizations etc. Course shall be designed
by NHB and training institution jointly, keeping in view training needs of the participants.
- To expose groups of farmers to field demonstrations of technology organized by ICAR
Institutions, SAUs, State Horticulture/Agriculture Directorates, etc. on their own farms or on
farms of KVKs/ ATMA Societies, selected progressive farmers etc. The technology component
to be demonstrated should be new and relevant to the group and must be specifically stated.
- To participate in exhibitions within Country relating to horticulture production, PHM
technology and to display their produce/equipment in stalls provided by NHB
- To visit specialized wholesale, terminal markets, modern auction centres / processing unit / storage / PHM infrastructure, etc.
- To participate in exhibitions and horticulture fairs organized by NHB, crop specific National Research Centres for Horticulture Crops, ICAR Institutions, Agricultural/Horticulture
Universities or Colleges / KVKs / State Directorates of Horticulture/State, PSUs or National
Federations like IFFCO, NAFED, Marketing Boards, NEC, Industries Associations or registered
and functional Growers Associations, etc.
Conditions for participation
- Selected farmer should be in the age group of 20 to 55 years. He/she should be cultivating the relevant horticulture crops on his own land or intend to establish horticulture farm/garden/
- Preference should be given to small, marginal and women farmers and beneficiaries of NHB, NHM ,HMNEH and MIDH schemes.
- Such farmers should be selected who are willing to share their experiences in workshops/ seminars at District and State Level as resource persons.
- One to two representatives of State department of Agriculture/Horticulture or SAU may
accompany farmers’ groups for the assistance of the visiting farmers.
- The maximum size of a training group may be, as decided by NHB in consultation with the training institute. However, it should not be of more than 30 farmers including Govt officers.
- The selection of farmers to form group will be done by the State Govt. or NHB officer of the concerned State/UT’s who may propose and organize such training / visits.
- As far as possible, travel plan should be made through the shortest practically suitable route of mass public transport.
Pattern of assistance:- Project based as per actual 100% of the cost.
1.2.8.Visit Abroad for Government Officers
- Awareness for technology up-gradation, product development, product promotion, exploring improved varieties of fruits, vegetables and flowers and market intelligence, shall be in
consonance with the WTO commitments and the same would remain as an integrated
component as per the objectives of the scheme for the government officers.
- Visits shall be conducted by Officers of NHB, DAC and the State Horticulture Departments / Horticulture Division of SAUs to give exposure to the officers about horticulture industry in the
advanced countries.
- The team shall comprise of officials from NHB and there shall be one team leader
- The visit should normally not exceed seven days excluding the journey time.
- The expenditure for travel and per diem shall be borne by NHB as per the Government of India approved rates. The names of the officers from the State Horticulture Departments shall be
finalized by NHB in consultation with DAC with reference to the merit and performance of
such officers in the field.
Pattern of assistance:- Rs. 6.00 lakh per participant 100% of air / rail travel and course fee
1.2.9.Organization/Participation in Seminar/symposia/workshop for development of horticulture
(a) Implementation
- Technology awareness programmes by NHB
- Seminars/workshop/exhibition etc shall be organized at the state, national and internationallevels for promotion of horticulture.
- For State level events NHB/NHM/HMNEH beneficiaries from the same State should be invited in consultation with NHB and State Horticulture Mission (SHM).
- For National level event NHB/NHM/HMNEH beneficiaries, producer States should be invited for the event by the organizers in consultation with NHB and State Mission Directorates.
Beneficiaries from at least five main producer states would be required for the event
- Such beneficiaries should not be charged any registration fee, etc. and should be provided with same facility as other registered participants.
- The amount sanctioned for a particular year is required to be spent within the same financial year, unless revalidated.
(b) Pattern of Assistance
- The financial assistance would be limited up to Rs.10.00 lakh for International event(3-5 days), Rs.5.00 Lakh for National event, Rs.3.00 lakh for Stale Level event and Rs.0.50 lakh for District
Level event
- In case of short duration (1-2 days) seminars, financial assistance would be limited to:-
- Rs.1.00 lakh per event for State Level event,
- Rs. 2.00 lakh for National level event and
- Rs 3.00 lakh for International event (for organizations/participation of international event within India).
(c) Manner of Implementation
- The seminars/workshops/ Exhibitions shall be organized primarily for beneficiaries of NHB/ NHM andHMNEHschemes, however, if such beneficiaries are not available in required number,
then other growers of horticulture crops can also be included.
- These events will be primarily organized through crop specific National Research Centre for Horticulture Crops, any other ICAR Institution, Agricultural/Horticulture Universities or
Colleges/KVKs/State Directorates of Horticulture/State or National Federations of primary
level registered and functional Growers Associations, who generate enough resources internally
to manage their day to day affairs on their own.
- Financial assistance for attending workshops/seminars/training course shall be limited to the event relating to horticulture sector. Training need assessment should be done for the group of
participants and duly considered before sponsoring participants to attend the event.
- Crop specific training to producer farmers, training to operators of PHM infrastructures, processingunits, cold storage operators, laboratory technicians etc., shall also be given financial
assistance under this subcomponent.
- Quantum of financial assistance per participant for per day of training shall be fixed by NHB after assessing cost implication as submitted by the organizing agency
- Financial assistance to group of farmers participating under this sub component will be extended only to such workshops / seminars / training courses, which have not been directly
assisted under this subcomponent for organizing the event.
- Benefits under scheme subcomponents of Visit of Progressive Farmers may also be made
available to participants of above mentioned workshops / seminars/ exhibitions / training
1.2.10. Accreditation and Rating of Fruit Plant Nurseries
Implementation and pattern of assistance
Accreditation system will be based on rating in a scale of single star to five star with appropriate weightage on production system, nursery management practices and quality of planting material produced. The single star to five star scale rating will be based on following criterion:-
- Application by the Nursery seeking NHB Recognition, showing layout of Nursery, location of infrastructure components and land utilization plan, details of technically qualified staff in the
nursery, major farm machineries and operational manual prepared by nursery for selection
and maintenance of mother plants, process followed for production of planting material and
management of inventory of planting material.
- Assessment of Nursery will be made by a duly constituted Assessment Team on laid down
parameters such as location of nursery, mother plants of both scion & rootstock, propagation
technology, infrastructure for production, bio-security and disease free conditions, operation
manual, quality of man power and trade relations
- FulfillmentofTechnical specificationsofhorticultureplantingmaterialanditsproduction
procedure as per ICAR document entitled “ Handbook of seed and planting material
testing manual for Horticulture crops” and technical capability of management.
- Availability of required infrastructure as per specified nursery standards of NHM for
Model Nursery, such as greenhouses, mist chambers, efficient nursery tools and gadgets,
implements and machinery etc.
- Adoption of Good Nursery Management practices including proper record keep
- Any other condition stipulated by NHB
- The process of carrying out accreditation and rating of horticulture nurseries will be as per protocol approved by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of
Agriculture. It will be followed by periodic surveillance of accredited nursery. It may be
implemented by NHB directly or through nominated accrediting agency
- Proposals regarding nominations of accrediting agency and financial assistance shall be decided by the Board.
Guidelines along with Technical Manuals of NHM and ICAR for establishment of Nursery have been notified and published by NHB.
Pattern of assistance:- Rs. 1.00 lakh / nursery By Central Nodal Agency (NHB)